✨✨Rooted & Real Clarity & Alignment Intuitive Energetic Card Spread!✨✨

So far, 2024 has really been all about becoming and living into our most authentic selves.

This year has asked us to shed our conditioning and trust our intuition.

It has called us to feel all of the feels, learn how to listen to them and learn from them and work through them and release them.

It has asked us to ground in and take care of our SELVES.

As we move from July’s loving, balanced 6 energy into the leap-of-faith 7 energy during an 8 energy of commitment and alignment year, we have no choice but to get clear on our vision and true desires and get ourselves into alignment so we can commit to this path.

July helped us feel grounded, loved, and held, building a strong foundation from which we can feel empowered to take that leap of faith in August.

I was called to create this card spread to help us all navigate this transition with more ease and clarity and knowing.

I found it to be hugely profound.

As I placed each card, I couldn’t help but let out an (incredibly loud) audible acknowledgment of its truth. After hearing me over and over again, my partner (who is not at all woo) needed to see what all the excitement was. When I showed him and explained what each of the cards revealed, he looked at me wide-eyed and said, “Wow, that’s insanely accurate!”

So-much-so, he even agreed to try it out for himself. He was very impressed.

Now, don’t get me wrong... He’s still not woo, but he might be edging a little bit closer to “woo-curious.”

Give it a try. Let me know what you think.

It’s definitely time to get into alignment and let your Soul-Self speak.



New! Defining Your Passion & Vision & Setting It into Motion


Identifying Blocks & Getting Unstuck Spread