✨✨Rooted & Real Intuitive Energetic Card Spread for Getting Yourself Unstuck So You Can Move Toward Your Goals!✨✨

This week is about taking inventory of our values, getting clear on our intentions, dropping the stories that no longer serve us, and creating new ones that honor and align with our soul-self.

Often just when we are about to level up, we get STUCK.

We are tested to see if it’s what we truly want.

You know you want it, but there’s something blocking you.

You can feel it.

You may not be exactly sure what it is.


Be willing to go deep today.

Get into your sacred space and connect with your higher self today.

Do the spread to uncover your hidden blocks and

create an energetic awareness that opens up a beautiful path forward.



Clarity & Alignment Intuitive Energetic Spread


Business Energetics Spread