Attune to Your Natural Frequency: Experience Mind-Body-Soul Harmony & Alignment with Somatic Movement, Energy Work, and Immersive Soundbath

Stay Tuned!


New Dates Coming Soon


Studio 557, Holly Springs, NC


In Person


Vibrations & Libations


Stay Tuned! 〰️ New Dates Coming Soon 〰️ Studio 557, Holly Springs, NC 〰️ In Person 〰️ Vibrations & Libations 〰️

Why Somatic Movement and Sound Bath?

The mind, body, and soul are all energy.

Somatic Movement includes intentional motions designed to improve mind-body-spirit awareness by promoting “grounding” and getting you out of your head and reconnected with the physical and emotional feelings within your body. This process helps move and release energy.

A Sound Bath uses powerful, yet gentle vibrational frequencies to soothe, nourish, and re-calibrate that energy and return you to your natural state of being.

Return Me to My Natural State of Being


Recalibrate My Energy


Return Me to My Natural State of Being 〰️ Recalibrate My Energy 〰️

The Benefits of Somatics & Sound:

The sounds introduced during a sound bath are an invitation to enter a deeper state of consciousness, tuning out the outside world and focusing inward, re-connecting with your body and inner-self.

The somatic and energy work prepares the body and creates energetic “space” so it is more open to receiving the vibrational transformation.
  • reduced stress and anxiety,

  • deep relaxation,

  • improved sleep quality,

  • advanced ability to calibrate and navigate emotions

  • reduced physical tension

  • enhanced mental clarity

and focus.

Somatic movement and vibrational frequencies can also help release physical and emotional blockages, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and balanced.

When we are not aligned to our natural frequency, we can feel tired and lethargic, cloudy-minded and unmotivated or we can feel anxious and fraught with nervous energy that leads to tightness and stress in the body, thoughts that do not serve us well, and a lack of confidence in who we are.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Somatic movement and sound can help us align our mind, body, and spirit and calibrate our energy within. This enables us to feel more clear and focused in thought, expansive in our reach and more "in flow" with our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Reserve your spot for one or all of the sessions!

Stay Tuned! Fall & Winter Dates Coming Soon!

Studio 557 Holly Springs, NC

A Rooted & Real Somatic Sound Bath Experience is Different.

Based on years of experience and a working knowledge of intuitive energy work, Vicki holds space and empowers all guests to move their energy and release blocks and shift their energy through guided meditation, breath and somatic movement. You will begin each session with light stretching, somatic exercises and meditative breathing to calm the nervous system and get your energy flowing. Many people experience yawning, tingling sensations, and a feeling of lightness as the energy shifts within your body

Once you are relaxed, most people prefer to lie down and enjoy the vibrational attunement. However, you are free to sit in whatever position is comfortable for you if lying down is difficult for you.

What Can I Expect?

When vibrational frequencies bathe your body, you may even sense them internally as they resonate within your organs and chakras!

Experiencing a sound bath is not exactly like listening to music. There isn't necessarily a rhythm that our ears and conscious selves can pick up on.

Instead, it is more about the frequencies that our bodies can feel.

Embodying vibrations during a Sound Bath can be powerful. Everyone experiences frequencies differently, depending on what your body needs —what you need to receive and what you need to release. As the vibrations move energies through the body, it may feel unfamiliar at first. Many express feeling light and tingly, or an internal pulsing or rocking sensation as the frequencies move through the body. It feels expansive. Some even experience meditative “downloads” where they see, hear or receive messages. Everyone is unique, and so is your experience!

For this reason, we recommend coming in with an open heart and open mind and a willingness to receive & release whatever your body needs. Hydrating well before and after the session, and eating foods that will nourish and ground your body are also strongly encouraged for the day of and the day after the event.

Additionally, we provide space during the session for setting intentions. This is a time when you can co-create the kind of session you would like to receive —do you want to relax? do you want to let go of a specific frustration? do you want to release physical tension or pain? are you open to simply receiving healing and alignment that is in your highest and greatest good, without any discomfort? All you have to do is ask and be open to receiving with gratitude!

After the Vibrations, Please Join Us for Libations & Conversations Next Door at the Nightingale’s Rooftop Lounge!

What should I bring…?

  • yoga mat

  • blanket & pillow (anything else to make you comfy)

  • journal & pen

  • water bottle & /or tea

  • an open mind

  • willingness to receive the healing

Final Summer Session: Vibrations & Libations

August 8 7-8:30pm Studio 557 $25

Rooted & Real Summer Sound Bath Sessions Taking place in Downtown Holly Springs, NC