✨✨Rooted & Real Intuitive Energetic Card Spread for Defining Your Passion, Creating Your Vision, and Setting it in Motion!✨✨

This week is about stepping into the flow of transformation, calling in passion as a practice, and becoming a pioneer of the new paradigm of the energetic economy.

It occurred to me that THAT only sounds inspiring

IF you are already LOCKED IN to your PASSION

and CLEAR on your VISION.

What if you’ve been doing the WORK and getting yourself UNSTUCK

and RELEASING shit like it’s confetti

But you haven’t yet LANDED

And this NEW YOU you are BECOMING still feels UNFAMILIAR

And you have no idea what your new passions even are

And you certainly haven’t GROUNDED them in enough

to have any CLARITY to set your sights on a new VISION for yourself,

let alone creating a vision that uplifts others??

I got you.

Dive in. Dig deep.

This spread is divinely designed just for you.



Get yourself the clarity you need from your soul

to start grounding in your vision for your next evolution.


Clarity & Alignment Intuitive Energetic Spread