Energetic & Intuitive Spread for Reframing Your Story around Wealth & Abundance.

If you are feeling a little stuck, lost, or ungrounded lately, this spread can help you regain your footing!

This month, we have a big manifestation portal around ABUNDANCE.

With Human Design Gate 12 coming online today, your words and perceptions matter more than ever!

Gate 12 is located in the throat, and is all about honoring your truth and feeling into the right time to speak to bring abundance into the world. However, the trick is what IS your truth...? And do you need to change your perspective to bring more abundance to yourself and others?

[Human Design Gate 12 opened on June 13, 2024, and it opens again June 12, 2025, but we can always expand our awareness around our words because they set the tone for our reality. This card spread can be done any time you feel called to it!]

I created this spread to “feel into” my own perceptions around money and abundance that might be holding me back in life and in my business growth.

If I do say so myself, this spread is AMAZING!!

I’ve already started feeling the energetic shift of the fog lifting in my mind and it gave me the physical energy back that I've been lacking in my body! (I don’t know about you, but I have felt SO completely exhausted lately!)

Cards 1-6 gave me some incredible insights into my abundance blocks and portals for opening & releasing. Multiple cards jumped out for most of the prompts, offering so much depth and support!

Cards 7-8 are optional, but I chose to run them twice.

  • Once for my business to gain insights on my clients to see how I can frame my offers for them and the results they’ll experience (I received so much copy inspiration that suddenly makes SO MUCH SENSE!!)

  • Once for my college kid who is now home to see how I can better support him this summer. (SO INCREDIBLY POWERFUL!! It totally revealed how he is feeling and how I can help him on his path.)


Full Moon Self-Love Spread


Grounding in & Upleveling Your Commitment & Devotion Spread