Rooted & Real Has A Variety of Services to Satisfy Your Soul-Self, & Get You into the Natural Rhythm of Your Life, and Bring You Back into Alignment Again!

Welcome to the Playground!

Whether you are feeling tired, cluttered or anxious and in need of an energetic tune up, or you are feeling a little lost or alone and are seeking a map and a compass to find your way home, I got you.

Vicki is a master curator.

She LOVES learning new things, and she’s willing to dive deep down every rabbit hole that lights her up, looking for new modalities that will serve her people well and get them closer to their Soul-Selves. She has a way of curating the best bits of everything she discovers, and creating a process, a method, a modality that is uniquely hers and meets her clients exactly where they are. Play in her sandbox! Explore! Find your fun again!

Let’s Explore the Tapestry of YOU!

  • Intuitive Numerology 1:1 Soul Alignment Coaching:

    Access Your Soul’s Energetic Codes

    Discover WHO you are and WHAT You Are Here to Learn!

    Numerology is an ancient modality used to identify energetic patterns of numbers. Each number carries a unique vibration and frequency. Your unique energetic code is waiting for you to discover it so that you can calibrate and align your life to that energy, allowing you to live with more self-compassion, ease and joy.

    An Intuitive Numerology: Full Soul Blueprint Reading is all about understanding your soul’s energetic signature. Using your birthchart, we can lean into the core aspects of WHO you are —your gifts and challenges— and WHAT your soul is here to learn as we look into the seasons of your life so you can see the arc of your heroes journey.

    Actually seeing your soul’s path can help you understand where you’ve been and get a sneak peek into where life is leading you. It’s not a destiny —just an energetic frequency. So you can choose to get in the flow and align with the journey (or not).

    It ’s perfect for those in a period of transition, looking for specific direction, or simply curious about the future.

    Uniquely you
  • Enneagram 1:1 & Relationship Coaching

    Wake up to Your Soul Self!

    Discover WHY You Experience the World as You Do!

    Enneagram is your compass for personal growth. In it, you will find that there are 9 “directions” or ways of relating to and perceiving the world.

    Your Enneagram Number is your spiritual fingerprint.

    It’s not a typical personality test that parrots back to you who you are for a certain moment of time. It reveals WHY you act and react as you do. It helps you understand relationship dynamics as you truly see the way that you are designed to experience and filter the world. It exposes your deepest vulnerability. (The things only your soul knows) It highlights your strengths & sheds light on your challenges.

    It shows you a direction to becoming the highest version of yourself.

    Available sessions include:

    • 1:1 Enneagram Self-Discovery & Coaching

    • Spouse & Partner Packages:

    [perfect for pre-marital couples building foundations for a strong and committed marriage or long time couples seeking reconnection and understanding]

    • Family Packages:

    [for families looking to recalibrate their households during those difficult to navigate pre-teen through young adult years]

    wake up to your soul-self
  • Human Design 1:1 Soul Alignment Coaching:

    Marvel at the Wonder of YOUR Design!

    Your Soul-Self wasn’t born into life on this planet with just a hope and a prayer. You were born with a map and a compass to show you HOW to navigate life and THRIVE!

    Human Design is the self-discovery tool that no one should live without! It would be like owning an expensive sports car and driving it without EVER reading the operating manual. It’ll get you places, but you won’t be getting the best mileage or performance. Who wants to go through life like that?

    Human Design is your Soul’s operating manual for this luxury vehicle you call home (This is your physical body). It contains all of the wisdom of this beautiful human that you are.

    It’s an incredible tool for self-discovery and personal and spiritual growth. It tells you how you were designed to navigate the world, interact with others and share your gifts with them.

    Living aligned with your design gives you the power to manifest the life of your dreams!

    I offer HD Level I for those interested in learning the basic mechanics of your design, HD Level II for those ready to dive deeper, and packages that include both.

    Human Design Sessions are ideal for those who are tired of pushing and shoving or white-knuckling life into being. If you are currently experiencing regular frustration, bitterness, and a general lack of peace or fulfillment in life. Let’s get you back in alignment with ease, joy, flow, and radical satisfaction!

    Marvel at the Wonder of Your Design
  • TAPESTRY: 3-Month 1:1 Soul Alignment Coaching Package

    Yeah. You Want it all.

    It’s Time to Discover the INCREDIBLE Tapestry of YOU

    Throughout our SIX sessions together, you will learn to understand your personal operating system, and what being in -and out- of alignment looks and feels like for you.

    You will discover your innate gifts and challenges and your most natural way of "being" in the world. We will discuss rhythms, habits, and other proactive ways to keep yourself tuned in and lit up from the inside out. This series will help you see your awesomeness, recognize misalignment, and get you on the path to living your life with ease, flow and joy!

    During our first session, we will make a customized coaching plan that meets your needs, your lifestyle, and your overall goals.

    In our time together you will discover:

    WHO you are and WHAT things you are here to learn and share with the world in your Numerology Soul Blueprint. (BONUS: You will also receive energetic forecasting for our time together to help you better align to your natural rhythms and give you a sneak peek into WHEN things may unfold in your life!)

    WHY we act and react the way we do based on your Enneagram Fingerprint. This is invaluable in improving your connection & relationships with your self and with others!

    HOW you are designed to navigate the world, your environment, your relationships, and your work --and THRIVE!

    *You will also receive customized coaching, practical strategies and energy work that is designed to keep you aligned and to work with your lifestyle!

    In this three month container, my intention is to create a safe and brave space where you can feel seen and heard, feel free to crack open and be vulnerable so you can grow, and feel held and supported as you evolve into your most authentic version of your SELF!

Alignment is EVERYTHING.

And Your Energy is the Source.

Lacking Energy Lately or Feeling Off Lately?

An Integrative Energy Alignment may be just the pick-me-up that your body, mind, and spirit are craving!

Everything is energy. Throughout the day and throughout our lifetime, we pick up energetic particles that are not ours, and sometimes the energetic particles that our body wants to release get stuck. Think of it like how our own hair or dog & cat fur can get stuck to your pants. It’s not a huge deal (especially if it’s your own pet and your own hair) but it could really take away from your presentation of your SELF out in the world. Everyone needs an energetic cleanup from time to time!

That’s a simplistic example, but seriously, when we are out of alignment, it can trigger self-doubt and anxiety. It can cause brain fog or “brain spaghetti” and an inability to make decisions. It can also adversely impact our relationships (with our SELVES and with others.)

If you are noticing these kinds of issues in your life, consider an energy alignment!

Intuitive Integrative Energy Soul Alignment & Self-Discovery Sessions are AMAZING if you need direction on something, feel stuck or out-of-sorts, or just want to see what your soul has to share with you today! We will spend time deep in each energy center (chakra) connecting with your authentic self, your spirit guides, and angelic team to receive the guidance, confirmation, and healing you need. These sessions can include channeled messages, oracle cards and stones for even more insights!

Community Workshops

& Custom Group Sessions

  • THRIVE Thursdays @Studio 557: It's The Summer Sound Bath Series!

    [This Summer’s Featured Community Experience]

    I am so excited to bring this experience to Studio 557!

    The mind, body, and soul are all energy.

    A Sound Bath uses powerful, yet gentle vibrational frequencies to soothe, nourish, and re-calibrate them all. When vibrational frequencies bathe your body, you might even be able to feel them internally as they resonate in different organs and chakras!

    Some specific benefits of a Sound Bath include reducing stress and anxiety, promoting deep relaxation, improving sleep quality, and enhancing mental clarity and focus. The vibrational frequencies can also help release physical and emotional blockages, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and balanced.

    • What Can You Expect?•

    Bring your own yoga mat, blanket, pillow, water bottle, journal, and anything else that will make you feel comfy and relaxed.

    To calm the nervous system and get your energy flowing, you will begin each session with light stretching and meditative breathing. Once you are relaxed, most people prefer to lie down and enjoy the vibrations. However, you are free to sit in whatever position is comfortable for you if lying down is difficult for you.

    The sounds introduced during a sound bath are an invitation to enter a deeper state of consciousness, tuning out the outside world and focusing inward, connecting with your body and inner-self. It’s not a rhythmic music, exactly, but the sounds of the crystal bowls, chimes, and tuning forks do help you let go of judgement, and release your mind into a dreamlike state (if you let it).

    It's the perfect mid-week pick-me-up, and a fantastic way to wind down from your day!

    Registration is required. Click below to reserve your spot!

    Sound Bath at Studio 557
  • Custom Retreat & Workshop Sessions for Your Community Group, Staff or Ladies Night

    Help your group or staff understand themselves and each other better to build a better group dynamic! During our time together, topics can focus on connecting with your inner wisdom and intuition, Enneagram, Human Design, Relaxation & Meditation, or we can talk to create a custom or seasonal experience for your crew. Any session can be aligned to God and the Gospel, should that be your jam.

    As a seasoned teaching consultant and staff developer, I can plan an incredible, interactive workshop or training session for your group or staff. Typical sessions are 90 minutes, 3 hours (morning or afternoon), or 6 hours (full day).

    Because of my background as a youth director at a local church, I can also develop a custom 1-3 day retreat that is full of fun, intentional learning and personal growth.

    Wait a minute… Did you say Ladies Night? Heck yeah, I did. We can create a fun night out or at home with your friends filled with laughter and insights! We can put together a Human Design or Enneagram party, or we can custom-craft an intuitive evening with card reading, aura reading, and other woo-woo stuff. Want to slow down, relax and focus on healing instead? We can welcome a beautiful evening of breathing and movement exercises or even a soundbath to destress and relax the soul with your sisters.

    Let’s talk so we can share ideas, intentions, and create the perfect experience for your crew!

 Every soul is unique.

Each with its own energetic blueprint, operating system, life path, story.

All of our services are designed with one mission in mind:

Unearthing & Rooting into the Real YOU.

“I love when you let me help unearth you.

The real you.

The one that’s true and pure and radiates joy, love and life.

The one one the feels so damn good.”

~Your Highest Self

Stay Tuned…Big Plans Are Being Planted for 2025!