Using Oracle Cards & Tarot Decks is NOT A Weird or Witchy Kind of Thing.

It’s just cool.

It’s a really easy way to tap into your intuition and higher self for insights, validation, and guidance.

If you are feeling unsure, stuck, ungrounded, or completely lost, grab an ordinary tarot deck or your favorite oracle deck and give one of these spreads a try!

Generally, I add 1-2 new spreads each month, as I feel called to share a path for connecting with certain universal energetic themes that arise.

Click through my latest spreads below!

I’m Rooted. I’m Real.

And I Read Tarot Cards.

I like to claim that I am the least woo of all of my spiritual friends.

(They tend to disagree.)

Maybe it’s because I appreciate a well-placed f-bomb, I laugh at stupid jokes, I’ll try anything once, I play rough, I love passionately, I say what I mean, I meet people where they are, and in my practice, I tend to use very tangible tools to get folks back into their bodies, out of their brain spaghetti, and aligned with their most authentic selves. Feels rooted, feels real.

That said, I do have an incredibly strong faith and, because my primary clair is claircognizance, I have learned to trust (and follow) my intuition. I need to. When I ignore it, things go terribly wrong.

Intuition IS real.

It’s your body’s internal GPS system. Just like Google Maps, even when you know where you are going, sometimes it’s nice to see that confirmation on the screen, or know you have an alternate route when traffic gets heavy or accidents happen. I have learned to rely on my intuition in the same way. Helps me get out of my head and into my body and move forward, knowing I’m going the right way.

Tarot and oracle decks may have had a bad wrap in the past, seemingly akin to the Oija board craze of the late 80’s, but not anymore. I use them as tools —as tangible evidence and confirmation on the outside of my intuition “pings” I get on the inside. And they offer so much more depth, possibility, and clarity to the things I already know.

I love my card decks. Really, really LOVE them. As of creating this page, I have two tarot decks, and over a dozen oracle decks, that I use daily for my work, in creating my numerology forecasts, for developing business ideas & strategies, for connecting with my ideal clients, for working with the folks I see for business. I use them in my personal life too, for clarity when I have something on my mind, for sharing insights with my friends and family. I often pull a few as part of my meditation practice, and one in the morning to get in tune and receive insights about the energy that is available to me for the day. In short, it’s like having a personal assistant at my fingertips.

I started a few years ago with a Rider Waite Holographic deck that I was given as part of a class so that I could practice, learn to harness my intuition, and begin trusting my instincts. I will still occasionally dust it off and play with them, just to keep the magic alive, but my new favorite go-to tarot deck is The Light Seer’s Tarot, by Chris-Anne. The artwork is beautiful and the cards themselves are so high vibe! They just resonate with me. So, that is the deck that I generally use when I create my card spreads.

So, why do I create my own card spreads…?

It started because I was looking for specific information regarding a business idea, and I couldn’t find any online that would give me the information that I was looking for. So I decided to use my own intuition to ask the questions that I wanted answered. I wrote them down and put them in an energetic order that allowed flow, and asked my cards. You can find that Business Energetics Spread HERE.

I got pretty incredible results, but I mostly just kept it to myself. Over time, as I started sharing my weekly Numerology forecasts, I found that I would get hits to create card spreads around certain energetic themes of the week, and every time I created one and tested it out, it felt really powerful, giving me incredible insights that I would not have gotten from meditation or research alone.

So now, it’s just a thing I do.

I create Intuitive Energetic Card Spreads to uplift, provide clarity, offer a tangible connection to your inner wisdom, and empower you to listen and take inspired action toward your dreams.

I hope you enjoy, and find them as helpful as I do!


New to card reading? Here are answers to my most commonly asked questions.

  • Yes, they are my original spreads. They are all influenced by the energy of the week or other themes or needs that arise personally, professionally or from working with my clients.

    I create these spreads to help make universal energetic trends accessible so that everyone can tune in to their inner wisdom and better navigate the world.

  • There is no right or wrong timing. Many experts, myself included, will offer special spreads for full moons and portals, but you don't have to wait for a special event. However, it does matter your state of being while doing a reading for yourself or others using one of these spreads. You will want to create a sacred space and prepare yourself for receiving the information.

  • You will definitely want to clear your space (using sage or energy), clear you mind with a few deep breaths, drop into your heart and intend to connect with your soul-self (higher self), spirit team, and any other beings who are in your highest and greatest good (that could be ancestors in spirit, ascended masters, angels, archangels, fairies, light beings, etc. —you do you.) Set an intention to receive openly any information that is in your highest and greatest good ONLY.

  • You can use tarot or oracle cards for any of these spreads. (I mainly use tarot for these spreads, however, I will often seek clarification on a specific card selected or close the session with an overall theme or message using an oracle card). Use your intuition and discretion to select the deck that is best for the information you seek.

  • Yes, you should shuffle the deck for each question, and ask your spirit team to assist you in finding the answer that is in your highest and greatest good at this moment in time.

  • Yes, it MIGHT matter whether the cards you pick are right-side up or upside-down. It depends on the spread and the kind of clarification and information you are seeking. You will know if it matters as you read the descriptions of each. Lean into your intuition to see which message resonates most.

  • Nope, there is no right way to select your cards. You will definitely want to shuffle to clear the cards, and then set an intention for the information you would like to receive. I like to shuffle until one (or more) jumps from the deck, but I know people who simply cut the deck and see what's on top or “feel into” the cards and pick the one that feels right. Whatever feels most natural and authentic to your intuition is perfect.

  • Yes, there is a reason for the placement of the cards when you lay out the spread. No, I don’t know what the reason is. It’s just where the cards want to be for the energy flow.

  • Note that the answers aren’t absolute, especially for future casting and where others are involved. There are always new timelines being created in every moment with every decision we make, and we all have free-will, so anything can change.

    If anything can change, then why even do a spread? Because they show you possibilities, and having possibilities before you is always way more positive than thinking you don’t have any.

    If you don't like the answers, it could be your higher self nudging you back into alignment, asking you to take notice of things in your life that may not be working so you can adjust. It's always a choice.

  • Sure! Card readings are not my primary practice, but you can check out all of my offerings by clicking on the SERVICES tab