End 2024 Strong & Empowered!


Tiny Rituals for Balance, Clarity, and Joy: A Path to Peace & Connection Fall Workshop Series


9/24 <> 10/2 <> 11/1 <> 12/1


Live @Studio 557


End 2024 Strong & Empowered! 〰️ Tiny Rituals for Balance, Clarity, and Joy: A Path to Peace & Connection Fall Workshop Series 〰️ 9/24 <> 10/2 <> 11/1 <> 12/1 〰️ Live @Studio 557 〰️

Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery

Soul-Aligned Life Optimization Coaching

• Numerology • Enneagram • Human Design • Vibrational & Energetic Healing and Alignment •

1:1 Coaching & Self-Discovery • Couples & Parent/Child Coaching • Group Coaching (Coming Soon!)

Custom Retreats & Workshops • Community Events

living your most authentic life

You used to be fun.

You remember that version of you…

The one who felt free, fiery, and full of passion and life.

You’re still in there.

Let’s see what we can do to bring you back to YOU.

Our Services >

What Does It Mean to Be Rooted & Real?

Well, for starters, it means that together we get really real. Sometimes we cuss, sometimes we cry, sometimes we laugh. A lot.

I always take your personal growth journey seriously, and I think it’s important that you know that I see you, and I will do everything I can to get you back to loving YOU and your life.

It Means Being Authentically YOU.

You are beautiful...

And you deserve a life that reflects every ounce of your beautiful soul.

Living your best life begins with understanding your personal operating system, leaning into it, trusting your inner wisdom, and learning how to use that knowledge to navigate the world as you were designed to. You are wired for an incredible life

Filled with ease, joy and flow.

The more you know about yourself and how you were designed to operate in the world, the more authentically YOU can choose to live, and the happier and more fulfilling life will be.

So, why not start living it?

Reclaim your beautiful soul.

Reconnect with your inner wisdom and knowing.

Rediscover the most authentic version of you.

Knowing yourself is the first step to healing.
Healing yourself is the first step to truly living.

Who Is This For?

…Beautiful can still be messy.

Well, it’s not for you if you already feel like you have all of your shit together, all of the time AND that is authentically who you are. (Sorry.)

It might be for you if…

Other people think that you always have it all together, but in reality, on the inside you feel like a mess, filled with anxiety, self doubt, or “brain spaghetti,” AND you would really love to have your “inside self” match your “outside appearance.”

Or maybe you look like your life is perfect —you have the perfect home, you take the perfect vacations, and your pets and children pose perfectly for all of your social media pictures (sorry if I just called you out), AND yet, you feel like it’s not enough, or too much, or just entirely wrong.

Or maybe you just feel a little lost and unseen.

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you feel like you were destined for something way more than the life you are currently living. (which you totally are.)

You may already sense that something is off in your life or you just don’t feel aligned with who you are (or who you think you are supposed to be).

Alignment Is Everything.

Soul Alignment Coaching is a holistic, mind-body-spirit approach that can help you discover and tune into the real you.

When your mind, body, spirit, and emotions are aligned, you get to experience the sweetest, most-authentic version of yourself and start living your best life with joy, ease, satisfaction, and flow.

Rather than focusing on what you already know or believe to be true on the surface, Rooted & Real Soul Alignment Coaching starts at the root: your soul-self. Together, we bring awareness to and shed light on the most beautiful, authentic version of you. We take the time to open up your operating manual, look at your energetic codes, your design systems so you can learn to feel into your fierce and relax into your fun. During these sessions —whether in 1:1 coaching or in a group or retreat setting— we work together to move you closer to the real you!

Through breath, body movement, and intuitive dialogue, and energy work, we discover, articulate, and release emotions and energies that are keeping you stuck.

Using tools like Numerology, Enneagram and Human Design, you will feel fully seen. You will experience validation, dozens of ah-ha! moments, and a growing confidence in who you are. You will learn strategies for leaning into your own intuition and inner knowing to more easily navigate life moving forward with less worry and frustration, and more peace and calm.

And… Others will take notice.

As you lean into alignment, you will start showing up differently —as your most aligned self— and your whole universe will start to shift… relationships grow and evolve, new ones form, new experiences begin presenting themselves, and you begin to feel more wholly satisfied with yourself and your life. You feel less anxious and frustrated and more confident, clear, and supported.

Don't Hold Back

Rooted & Real Workshops, 1:1 Coaching, and Custom Healing & Self-Discovery Services

(A brave, warm, and judgement-free space for growing and learning to shine your light!)

THRIVE Thursdays


Summer Sound Bath Series


Reserve Your Seat Today


THRIVE Thursdays 〰️ Summer Sound Bath Series 〰️ Reserve Your Seat Today 〰️

About the Founder

Vicki Meigs

“I love how my clients feel like they are seen (sometimes for the first time EVER). I love meeting people where they are and helping them rediscover the most authentic version of themselves so that they can live their best possible lives.”

For the past few years, I’ve been on my own journey of re-discovering MYSELF.

And, ya know what? I kinda love this me.

Vicki is a proud mom of two adult boys and two fuzzy brothers (a.k.a. Big Murph and Ripley) who is currently living her best life in Raleigh, North Carolina. She has a Master’s degree in Education and Curriculum Development, and became an accomplished teaching consultant and staff developer with two decades of workshop creation and classroom teaching experience.

She has been a teacher, an author, a youth director, retreat planner, and wife (twice).

And will always be someone who loves deeply, lives fearlessly, and never stops learning and growing.

More about Vicki>

  • Vicki in Studio
  • Vicki Branding Vol1
  • Vicki & Fuzzies

Real Talk…